Is your H.O.G. Account linked to your H-D App? Stop into J&L Harley-Davidson to get an odometer reading & that's it - you're automatically enrolled in the Ride 365 Mileage Challenges.
Annual Mileage:
Earn one point for every mile, up to 15,000 miles in 2025! That's a $150 value! Annual mileage rewards require at least two odometer readings between Janary 1 and December 31. We recommend regular readings to unlock more rewards, so stop in early & often to get your mileage checked!
Annual Chapter Mileage:
If you're a HOG Local Chapter Member, you're eligible to participate in this challenge, which leverages your odometer readings for 2025. Winning Chapters will receive surprise rewards and, of course, have bragging rights for the year.
Lifetime Mileage:
Your odometer readings are used to calculate your Lifetime Mileage, which is cumulative if you're an active HOG Member. Earn exclusive pins, patches, and rocker medallions, starting when you hit 1,000 miles and continuing beyone the legendary 1,000,000 mile mark.
How do points work? 500 points = $5 value, redeemable at participating U.S. dealers or online at
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